Summers Gazette #36: The Big Xmas Bash

Summers Gazette Entry #36: The Big Xmas Bash
Season’s Beatings CPW Galaxy, Frankie Summers reporting on the final show CPW of the year and of the 2010s, and it was an absolute doozy, a crazy Christmas show just for you. We came to you from the Henley Green Community Centre. Thrills, spills, surprises and holiday cheer were spread all around. The CPW Galaxy really went all out with costumes for the show and got us in the festive mood right off the bat as the show was opened up by Russell Hardwood and Caitlyn James opened up proceedings with a song. We put it to the public vote on the Facebook page and the winner of the poll was Last Christmas by WHAM! Sorry for people who were taking part in Whamageddon this year, 21 days isn’t a bad run. We got a few members of the CPW Galaxy singing along as we ran the breakdown for the show.
8 matches, titles to be
decided, some debuts and tons of high-quality action throughout the
show to be expected. As I was absent for most of the show recovering
from my match and only announcing half of the matches this will be a
stripped-down version of what happened. Let’s get right into it.
We opened up the show
with 8 man tag team action as the team of myself, Eli Conners, Dr
Gage and Mr Ace took on the team of CPW Galaxy Champion Drake Wynter,
Kevin Isaac, Alex Conners and Iron Serb. Lots of rivalries involved
here. I had a personal beef with 3 of these men, Dr Gage and Eli had
beef with 2 and Mr Ace, of course, had beef with Iron Serb. This was
a perfect chance for all of us to have a scrap and try and settle
some scores. It was the 4 plucky underdogs against the 4 grizzled
veterans. The odds were stacked against us, but we had the love of
the CPW Galaxy behind us. In a match of good vs evil pretty much.
Mr Ace wanted to start
with Serb, but Serb wanted no part of Ace, so I volunteered to start
off and Alex Conners took the stage. We faced off and I pointed my
finger in his face and said told him that I thought he was Apollo
Vela. He slapped me and told me he would never be Mexican, being a
red-blooded American and all. I spun round and slapped him in return,
knocking him dizzy before throwing him into the corner as all members
of my team tagged in and out to take turns stomping on Alex. I pulled
him up and called for the fast finish after planting Alex with a
savage DDT. He kicked out at 2 but I gave him too much time as I
pulled him up. I whipped him off to go for the Headliner, but Alex
countered with a savage leaping clothesline that took me to clean off
my feet. Then it was the turn of the bad guys to work on me as they
tagged in and out to kick me about a bit. Working me over in the
centre with wear-down holds and in for corner with roughnecking as I
tried a few times to fight back and get to my corner to bring in Eli,
Gage or Ace.
Kevin Isaac got hold of me last as he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up, but I hit him with a Jawbreaker which rocked him back to his corner I clawed my way back over to my corner and tagged in Eli. Kevin tagged Alex Conners and these two brothers went at it tooth and nail with strikes once more. It devolved into quick-fire takedowns as we all came in and did a high impact move to get rid of that person in the ring. This ended in Mr Ace and Iron Serb being the last two in the ring, and finally, these two got to tear each other apart. Mr Ace got the better of the exchange as the rest of us were outside the ring recovering before coming in to do a big team suplex which my team got the better of. In the end, Eli and Drake Wynter were legal and Eli hadn’t noticed that Drake had snuck into the ring and while he and referee Oddball Eightball were distracted Drake hit Eli with a low blow before rolling him up for 3. It was a sad turn of events for it to end this way. Alex, Kevin and Serb got out of Dodge quickly but Drake stayed in the ring to gloat. At this point, some familiar music played as Lucia Lee charged out of the curtain with her Golden Ticket briefcase to cash in her title shot against Drake. Dr Gage flattened Drake with the Chokeslam before Lucia handed over the case and leapt to the top before hitting the big elbow. Lucia is your new CPW Galaxy Champion, making her the 7th person to hold the belt this year, and the first female to do so. However, we will have some new rules in terms of defending the belt and they will be made clear soon. Ace, Gage and I all celebrated with Lucia in-ring and we all got a round of applause as we left. It was a great way to kick off the show and I am very proud of the team, we did our best to hold out as long as we did. It was a pleasure to work with Gage and Ace again and cool to work with Big Eli for the first time.
The next match was
the 4-way showdown for the Nextgen Heavyweight Championship as James
Cross defended the championship against Bashby, Scott Oberman and
Tommbie. Tommbie has been at the top of that mountain before losing
the belt to Fifi at History 6. Bashby was getting his first shot at
the big time and Scott Oberman has been in the picture for the title
before but never won it.
The action in this match was on another
level from what I saw. Bashby showed us exactly how far he has come
in the past year by delivering the best counter to the Occult Assault
I’ve ever seen. Tommbie has Bashby up in the Electric Chair
position and called for the drive, but as he turned Bashby over, he
flipped out of it and landed on his feet before hitting back with a
savage superkick to the jaw. The match ended after Bashby tried to
end it by hitting James Cross with a Frog Splash but Scott Oberman
jumped into the ring and caught him in mid-air with a jaw-dropping
cutter. James Cross being the opportunist however threw Scott off and
got the 3 count for himself. It was a shocker and James Cross goes
into 2020, still your Nextgen Heavyweight Champion. It may not have
been with honour, but James has that belt and is holding onto it with
hungry desperation. Since the dissolution of the G6, James has made
his own way, perhaps showing that he didn’t need them after all,
even if it hasn’t improved his attitude at all. He’s going to be
a tough opponent to beat now and woe betide anyone who gets in the
ring with him.
Next, we had the tag
team title match as the team of Kieran Young and George Lydon, the
Living Proof took on the team of the 666 Pack, Dread and Lyon. This
match came about after the match at Xmas Tidings after George came
out with no partner after being berated by the 666 and being told
since the G6 dissolved, he had no friends and no one wanted to side
with him. George brought out Kieran to fight alongside him, who
willingly gave up his place in the gauntlet match to help out George.
After a shock victory, they got the title shot which has shaken the
CPW Galaxy and the roster alike as they’ve shown that they are a
threat to those titles and this run with them may be short for the
666. Against all odds, George and Kieran managed to pull off the
shock victory beating the two larger men yet again with the quickness
and cunning advantage. These two may have remnants of the G6, but
they seem to have both seen the light and turned to the side of good.
Let’s hope they keep this momentum up as those 666 boys will be
back on their heels snapping like hungry gators to get those belts
back. Sorry for the brevity of these two matches, I was in the back
recovering and changing to announce the rest of the show, so I didn’t
get to see them first hand. The titles have not moved and will still
be in the sights of challengers in the coming months.
The final match of the
first half was the final to the CPW Ruler of the Galaxy Tournament as
Apollo Vela took on Morgan Black. Apollo defeated 2 members of Team
Madness to get to the finals of the tournament, first getting through
Dr Gage and then through Bashby in the Semis. Both wins were
controversial after Vela tried to pop Gage and Bashby’s shoulders
out of the sockets, along with Leyton Simms’ afterwards. With
Morgan, it was somewhat different. Morgan originally faced Jester
Jayrow in the first round and Jayrow had to cheat to get by Morgan.
Then he worked on Morgan after the bell and Bashby ran in to save
him. CPW Management looked over the footage and stripped Jayrow of
his place in the tournament, but Morgan was given a second chance
against then CPW Galaxy Champion Drake Wynter whom Morgan managed to
get by in a fantastic match. Then at Superstars, Jay J Roberts beat
Will Starr in his first round and decided to grandstand, saying he
could beat Morgan right there and then if he was in the building.
Morgan came out and surprised him with a roll-up when earned him his
ticket to the finals, much to the disgust of Jay J.
I came out to
announce the match and immediately my calculations were wrong as Alex
Conners was sat at the commentary booth with Mr Richards. If it
wasn’t him, who could it be? I announced them both and the match
began. I assume Morgan thought the same as me. His offence lacked the
fire that it normally has, I guess because he was thrown off by
whoever it would be behind that mask. I heard talking through the
crowd throughout the whole match with speculation as to who Apollo
Vela could be this time. Some had already come to the conclusion I
had but they were seemingly wrong. The match ended with Apollo
getting the win after hitting what appeared to be the Final
Destination. After his hand was raised, the mask was removed and
Apollo Vela was revealed to be none other than Fifi. I haven’t seen
a crowd turn on someone so fast. The crowd were begging me to go in
there and deck him but I’m not contractually allowed to hit any
other member of the CPW roster unless physically provoked first. The
crowd were angry and wanted a way to show it, even if it was for me
to get in there, but myself and our GM for the night Lauren got into
the ring and presented Fifi with the trophy for winning the
tournament. I noticed something however, the makeup was different
under the mask, and there was a reason for this. The story is that
now Fifi is no more and he has been replaced with Cleopatra, and what
her intentions are will be brought to light shortly.
This led to the interval where the fans got to have pictures with Tommbie, Lucia Lee, Living Proof and our special guest Tyson T-Bone. All photography for this show was done by our friends at UK Wrestling Media who have taken some fantastic photos for us since we began our partnership with them in November.
We opened up the
second half with a singles match for the CPW Heavyweight Championship
as Sugar Jimmy Vice took on former Heavyweight Champion Niall
Fairchild in the clash we have been looking forward to for a while as
Niall fought for the belt he was never pinned for against a man he
never lost to. That CPW heavyweight belt has been on quite the ride
this year, originally in the hands of Will Starr, taken away by Kevin
Isaac under the most controversial fashion seen in recent times. At
History 6 Kevin was pinned in record time before the title,
effectively vacant at that time was decided in a classic between
Niall and Tom Lindsay to where Niall prevailed against all odds.
Niall held that belt valiantly for months before losing it in a 4-way
match after Mr Ace got a sneaky pin over Craig West. 6 weeks later at
Superstars part 2, Mr Ace got his first defence against Jimmy Vice
who, with the help of Iron Serb got that title and has had a *coughs*
Vice like grip on it since.
This was an explosive match that
showcased the efforts and talents of both men as they proceeded to
tear each other apart with higher impact, higher risk and more
desperate moves to try and put the other man away. Niall tried to
finish Jimmy with the Natural Disaster, but it didn’t work as Jimmy
kicked out. Jimmy got frustrated and walloped Niall with the title
belt getting himself disqualified. Niall won the match but Jimmy kept
the belt and this has frustrated the fans and Niall himself as this
was his moment, but the Miracle on Wyken Croft didn’t happen.
Next, we had the
long-awaited Women’s title match as Women’s unified champion
Lucia Lee took on Lana Austin, defending the Women’s title belt.
Lana wanted both belts to be on the line but this was denied. This
was a dream contest for some, especially for the two competitors. The
young and plucky upstart in her debut year, blazing a trail against
the experienced and grouchy veteran in Lana Austin, a former CPW
Women’s Champion and a national wrestling star that even WWE has
had her on their programming for her experience and ability in the
ring. Lana’s return was the big buzz in the run-up to the show and
I’ve seen her in venues all over the Midlands and can vouch for how
great her unorthodox combat style is. She’s a fantastic mix of
strikes, technicality and trickery, topped with a generous dose of
lewdness, as incorporated in some of her moves. Thank you for the
info provided for this one.
Lucia graced us with
the scarlet and white with her Santa outfit as Lana pulled out the
black lace and sparkly trim with the Bah Humbug hat to show her utter
disdain for Christmas. This match was everything we expected it to be
and more with the mix of staples from both women and easily the
toughest task that Lucia Lee has ever faced in that ring, in CPW or
anywhere else. It started with Lucia pulling a cracker with Lana, who
reluctantly accepted the offer after being called a chicken. Lana
retaliated with a big slap to the face after losing and smacked Lucia
around the ring. Lucia has whipped off the ropes but countered with a
head scissors, then a dropkick which sent Lana flying.
followed with a corner assault which Lana tried to reverse but was
countered with another head scissors and a pin attempt. Which only
got 2. Lana was put in the corner and Lucia went for a 10 punch but
Lana reversed it, straddled Lucia on the ropes and hit a reverse
neckbreaker. Lucia got up and countered the charge with 2 kicks but
the third was countered with her leg being thrown on the ropes before
being followed up by attacks on the ropes. Lucia fought back as the
crowd willed her on, trying to win with a roll-up as Lana argued with
Dale. Lana fought this off and levelled Lucia with a savage Russian
Leg Sweep which got a 2 count. Lucia struck back with a sit-out
jawbreaker and tried to follow up with a boot, but Lana countered and
got another 2 count.
Lana pulled Lucia up by
her hair and hit a running shotgun dropkick to get another 2 as Lucia
got the ropes. Lana was visibly frustrated and started trash-talking
Lucia who snapped and started chopping and striking Lana before
wrangling her for a Straddle DDT which got a 2. Lucia fired up with
another flurry of strikes before Lana levelled her with a vicious
headbutt which pretty much put her out, but Lucia just kicked out
before 3. Lana went for a twist of fate but was answered by a reverse
thrust kick. This scored another 2 but Lana shot up and hit a
Stunner, this scored a 2, Lucia shot up and hit a Uranage, which
Lucia didn’t follow up with the pin, but instead measuring up, but
Lana hit the Twist of Fate which got a close 2. Lana pulled Lucia by
her hair and hit the ropes but was hit with a spinebuster before
Lucia called to the crowd and went for a People’s Elbow of all
things. All fired up, Lucia charged but Lana got in with a spear,
taking Lucia clean off her feet. Again Lucia kicked out just before
3. Thinking she could end it, Lana pulled her up and took too much
time before Lucia answered with a big kick, knocking Lana down before
hitting the rolling neck snap then following up with the Big Elbow to
pick up the win to retain the CPW Women’s championship in the biggest
win of her career so far in CPW. Lucia is now the longest-reigning
CPW Women’s Champion in CPW’s History, the first female double
Champion and just a trailblazer in all in CPW. She’s had an
absolutely killer year for 2019 and it makes you wonder, what else
will she do this year as she expands in the big wrestling world and
sets the standard for women’s champions not just here but all over
the nation. Well done Lucia, commiserations to Lana Austin who put on
a fantastic showing in her return to CPW and showed exactly why she
is the national star that’s so highly regarded. Let’s hope we see her
back again.
Our next match was our special attraction presentation that has to be seen to be believed. As The Merseyside Merc Squad’s Dan Evans took on WWE UK’s own Tyson T-Bone in the latest special guest exhibition match to show the national appeal to outside talent that CPW has. Tyson T-Bone is a legend of the UK scene with over 10 years experience, trained by the legendary Killer Kowalski who was one of the dangerous big men in wrestling back in the 60s and 70s, and he was trained by Lou Thesz, the Hungarian great who is seen as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Also by British Wrestling legend Robbie Brookside who has also trained some of our CPW regulars, known for his extremely tough training regimens, so you know anyone who can survive it is tough as nails. In his time he has won the Preston City Wrestling championship 3 times. A title contested by many NXT UK greats. He’s wrestled all over the nation and has even done the All-Star Wrestling roadshow where they travel from town to town on a tour that goes all over the nation, bringing wrestling to old school wrestling towns bringing stars of the past and today into the spotlight. Even Attitude Era WWE talent still make appearances.
If you’re a fan of Dan Evans you may want to look away from this one as the man I called the scourge of CPW in a match was met with heavy strikes and brutality. It was a flat out brawl between 2 big meaty hosses and Tyson had the upper hand for most of the contest. His offence may be pretty or refined, but it’s effective as backed up by his 6ft stature and massive muscle mass. Dan was slapped around the ring in the early going but Dan managed to sneak his way around and use his technical skill to his advantage and lay the punishment on T-Bone for a good chunk of the match.
T-Bone fought back which ended in a cross body press which flattened Dan, T-Bone tried to finish it with his Suplex Tombstone but Dan slipped out and shot him into the corner with a dropkick, followed by a devastating spear which he kicked out of. Dan went for the Death Valley Driver which was fought out of, so he went for an F5 instead which was countered with T-Bone shoving Dan into the corner. Dan had the presence in mind to leap to the buckle pad to stop himself crashing into it. He leapt from the second looking for a double axe handle but T-Bone superkicked him clean out of mid-air with an impact that could shake your fillings from the next building over.
This was followed up by
a big splash in the corner succeeded by a belly to belly suplex which
launched Dan across the ring. T-Bone tried to wrap it up with another
corner charge but Dan dodged it and T-Bone went head first, smashing
his head into the post, possibly concussing him which gave Dan a
golden opportunity as he took advantage of the dazed T-Bone and
rolled him up for the 3, finishing this barnstormer of a match on
top. This was a Knock Down Drag Out match and T-Bone definitely
captured the imaginations of the fans which his large stature and
tendency to mow through his enemies. I hope we get to see him again
one day as his seminar was extra educational and we all got a lot of
pointers and advice and he was just a joy to have as a guest. Thank
you, Mr Bone, we hope to have you back soon.
Lastly, we move on to our final match, the main event, the match that’s been in the making for more than half a season. Master vs Student, Old Guard vs New Guard, Veteran vs Upstart, it was Will Starr, the Chosen One, your CPW Lineal Heavyweight Champion taking on the NBO Warrior, the Golden Ticket Holder, the CPW Wrestler of the year, Morris. These two have been at each other’s throats since Morris cashed in the briefcase on Will Starr in the summer, saying he wanted to challenge for the belt fair and square at the biggest chance he could get. Of course, this road has not been smooth. These two men have been at each other’s throats since, but why wouldn’t they be? You wouldn’t forgive someone who said they wanted your significant other, we’re very open about it and had made a plan to take them off you.
That was the kind
position Will was in, so when made to work together as they have done
in the past, it just couldn’t work. This was evident at F U when they
lost to a team that everyone said didn’t stand a chance. Even poor
Bashby was roped into it having to stop them from pummeling each
other. They faced off at Super Secret Showdown in a match where a
sneaky pin cost Will Starr the match and a lot of momentum going into
the Bash. The contract signing finally happened at Xmas Tidings which
caused 80% of the roster to be knocked down after Will Starr jumped
15 feet off the balcony on top of the CPW stars below. This showed
the level this has gone to, the animosity between these two ran so
deep that no ring could hold them. This was being held under Let’s Go
to War rules which means there are no rules. No Ring Out Count Outs
and No DQs. The only way to win is to Pin your opponent, make them
submit or knock them out so they cannot answer a count of 10. This is
a match I highly suggest you watch this match on CPW On Demand where
you can see this match and all of the others in full too.
The atmosphere was
heavy and thick, as well as tense. I took my place inside the barrier
to make sure I could help if needed. I placed the Lineal Championship
on my lap and the match began. The sound from the crowd was deafening
throughout this. It started off quite civilised with some straight-up
wrestling holds, which swung the momentum like a pendulum to start
off with, but this soon devolved to spilling out of the ring and
brawling all over the arena. They brawled through the crowd before
Will dragged Morris to the tables at the back rows and Will tried to
suplex Morris onto the table but Morris fought out and they made
their way back to the ring. They exchanged their best moved but
nothing was getting the job done. Morris kicked out after the Elbow,
Will kicked out after the NBO Drop. It was all up in the air and
could have gone either way. The momentum swung when Will got out of
the ring and angrily snatched the belt out of my lap with a look on
his face that will be burned into my memory until the end of time.
Will jumped back in the ring and swung for Morris with the belt and
Morris ducked it and hit an NBO Drop which got a 2.9 count. Morris
went high risk and went for a frog splash which Will dodged. Will
took advantage, hopped up and hit another Super Starr Elbow Drop
which hit Morris right in the heart and scored the pin, which got a
loud and mixed reaction from the crowd. Will Starr is your winner and
still CPW Lineal Heavyweight Champion.
There was a delayed show of respect at the end and a big cheer from the crowd as it seemed for now that the war was over. Or was it just at a ceasefire as these two men as this defining battle was done. Caitlyn James signed off the show and wished the fans a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, but not before we drew the Xmas Raffle with big wins for the Cross Section and some of our other CPW Galaxy regulars. This match was everything we could have hoped for, it was fast-paced, varied, tense, exciting, brutal and any description I could give could never do it justice. Will Starr is still on top, but what lies in his future? Same for Morris, what lies ahead for him? What is going to happen as we blast off into the next decade of CPW? What guests will come along? Only time will tell. Overall this was an amazing show, well worth the wait and you can tell why it’s my favourite show of the year and I am honoured to have wrestled at it, opening the show for the second year in a row. This was just a set of fantastic matches all around with shocks and surprises and moments that had the fans jumping out of their seats. It was a thrill ride for sure and it does make me wonder what we will do to top it. I know for a fact we will. For now, I will wish you, the CPW Galaxy a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from myself and the rest of the CPW Roster and CPW Management.
Frankie Summers is signing off, I will see you in the 20s!