7 Questions with Dale Richardson….
Q.1 Welcome back to 7 Questions, Season 11 wrapped up a couple of weeks ago so how do you view Season 11 now that you’ve had time to reflect and what are your stand-out moments?
Season 11 was a challenging year with me booking New blood Wrestling with Nathan Lewis, I have a lot to learn. My stand out moments has been Alpha becoming CPW world champion, I have enjoyed the academy championship rivalry between Morgan Morris, Leo Cambridge and Target.
Q2 – You must be have been so proud of Protest & Alpha when they main evented History 11 Night Two as it shows the quality coming out of the CPW Academy. We would like to know who should the CPW Galaxy look out for from the Academy?
Morgan Morris, Leo Cambridge and Target

Q.3 – You have a new role in CPW well not so new but still in a whole different part of our Galaxy alongside another CPW Hall Of Famer Nathan Lewis as the Head Booker of the New Blood brand, how are you finding the role and what have you enjoyed and disliked about it?
It has been a challenging role for sure, I have enjoyed working with the Academy talent and when what you plan works it’s a good feeling. Creating a new team team division has been fun and crowning the first New blood tag team champions in Pizza Bone’s Express. The return of Pizza Boy has been a positive and he’s been a joy to work with, I also enjoyed working with Max Reubens, Taco and protest as New blood heavyweight champion. Dislikes when matches are not up to the standards that they should be and when PPL think they should have a opinion on what your doing when it comes to booking New Blood blood Wrestling talent. It has been good working with Nathan Lewis and learning from Mr Richards and I look forward to improving going into season 12.
Q4 – What are the key requirements to be a competent referee?
Refereeing is all about positioning and anticipating what the wrestler’s will do in the ring and then knowing the rules of Wrestling. It’s also good when you work with great talent. I have had that pleasure to work with some of the best.
Q.5 – Season 12 is dawning on us….Can you give us any clues to what the CPW Galaxy can expect in S12?
The objective of every season is to be better than the last one so I think there will be a great matches in store for the CPW Galaxy to enjoy as always and some surprises along the way.
Q6 -And as a whole whats you’re vision for CPW in the next 5 years?
I would like CPW to have it’s own venue and so I can work with Mr Richards and the rest of the CPW management week in and week out and push forward as we always do against all the odds and PPL who want to see us to fail. We will not go away and I look forward to the future entertaining the CPW Galaxy which we all enjoy doing.
Q7 – Finally Dale, we saved the hardest question until last…..There are rumours that the Boss wants it to happen but we want your opinion on it……. Can Hell Ever Freeze over in CPW!!!?
It would certainly be something that raises eyebrows but as we say in this business “never say never”
Thank you for your time Dale.
Thank you.