Prior to CPW Primetime’s Adrenaline 2024 show our new Head Of Media Kirsty Watson sat down with CPW Senior Executive Nathan Lewis and asked him 7 Questions…..
Q.1 Hi Nathan, i’m Kirsty Watson thank you for joining me for 7 Questions. It’s now been a while since your retirement and apart from some sporadic in-ring appearances, Are you now at peace with your in-ring career and what do you still miss most about wrestling competition?

I would say yes I am at peace with my retirement and decision. Yes of course it is fun to sometime relive the good days when I step back in the ring for a little action but I wouldn’t say that I feel that I have the itch or feeling to get back in the ring full time. I notice more and more that it was the correct decision in regards to my health, though we have jokes or make comments about the situation with my heart it is important for me to make sure I put my health first. I notice that my breathing and energy levels are no longer the same and know personally I would not be able to perform at the levels that fans deserve from me if I was to wrestle. I think I miss most the energy I feel from the CPW Galaxy as well as the emotions that I get and live with the crowd during and after a match. I also miss making moments in the ring but am proud of the history a legacy that I have left in CPW.
Q.2 – You’ve evolved into an important part of our management structure how have you found being in those roles and the pressures that come with it?
The pressure is a lot and sometimes very overwhelming but again I am also honoured and proud to be given these opportunities and also to be in a position to help CPW continue to grow and be the leading promotion in family entertainment in the UK. I also take it with honour and pride to be placed in a position where I can help the future of CPW and British Wrestling grow and thrive. In life not all things are easy or going to be easy but it is how we deal with these challenges and overcome these hurdles that make us who we are. I personally can only thank Mr Richards for believing in me and entrusting me in these roles to help and be part of CPW.
Q3 – Back to your in-ring career, looking back now who do you think you had the most chemistry with?
I firstly am honoured to have wrestled so many people in CPW and been able to share the ring with some amazing talent and individuals. There are a few people that come to mind when I look at matches I had or did that were some of my favorite and best matches and the individuals involved in those matches. Firstly I always had fun and great chemistry with Will Starr, an amazing talent and amazing wrestler. The matches we had were always fun and we knew each other so well that we were able to put this across in the ring when telling a story. Secondly someone I also had good matches with and felt the chemistry was really strong was Dread, he was also the person that I got share the ring with on my final ever match and say that due to our styles and chemistry was able to put on an epic and a classic match that I am proud to call my last match ever. Finally I would state and shout out to matches that stand out and stay with me and thank those individuals in those matches… Leyton Simms when I had my head shaved, Dale Richardson in the main event of History, Mr Richards in the extreme rules match at Henley green Community Centre. Drake Wynter for partaking in the first ever Love Shack match. Dan Evans and Tommbie as I always look forward to sharing the ring with these guys. Also Tom Lindsay for our ongoing rivalry inside the Elimination Matches. Morris and Bashby/Protest two young talents that I have seen grow and have the privilege of wrestling.
Q.4 – Is there anyone in CPW past or present that you wished you would have wrestled? or wrestled more?
I think there are few people that I would love to say I had the chance to the wrestle and there are some amazing young talent that I am excited to see grow and wish I could wrestle or love to wrestle in the future. Wrestlers from the past I wish I wrestled more or had a chance to wrestle in CPW, Scott Oberman for sure is someone I wish I had more matches with. Tommbie as I wish we could or had that chance to put on a epic that I know we could do and deliver but never have. Axel Bowen my original trainer would be awesome to share the ring with him. Maybe wrestle someone from the 1st Season/ OG’s of CPW would be cool to do. There are others names and many others that I have sat and watched and thought I would like to either have another match or wish that was me wrestling them. However, with the present/future talents there are some that I enjoy watching and would love to say I wrestled more or had the opportunity to wrestle them if I was still active. Firstly there is Mr Joshua King, the wrestler/performer that he has become I would love to be able to step inside the ropes 1 more time with him. Secondly Alpha, this kid is the future and continues to grow grow and would be awesome to wrestle him again as I had the honour to wrestle him in his first ever match at History. Thirdly, Taco however, I would love to wrestle Taco inside the Prison or in Hardcore match or Ladder Match as I feel this would be epic and fun. There is also Leo and Jackson two young lads that I feel have so much potential and I am enjoying watching develop and grow and would love to see what magic we could create in the future. This is the same for young Target, I can not wait to see how could this kid will be when he is 16/17 or 18 and would love and be honoured to wrestle him then as I know he would so so so amazing and unbelievable as a wrestler.
Q5 – You’re now Head Of Graduate Development too, how have you found being able to have such an influence on peoples life’s for the good especially the Lion Cubs?:
This is where I am so proud and continue to find my love for wrestling.

This is the giving back to younger generation and the next generation of superstars and the future of CPW. I continue to be proud of the amazing talent depth we have in CPW but also how bright and amazing the future of CPW and British Wrestling is looking. What makes it more special is that we are not just teaching wrestling and helping them grow as performers and wrestlers we are also helping them grow as individuals. I think this is one of the things that make CPW so unique and different and that is the family mentality but how we want to help impact people’s lives out of wrestling as well in the best ways we can . It makes me so emotional, honoured and proud to see where some of our youngsters and individuals are in life and how they have grown as people due to the impact that I and the Training team and CPW Management have had on them.
Q6 – Another hat you wear in CPW is being the Executive Booker for New Blood Wrestling alongside fellow CPW Hall Of Famer Dale, it must be super exciting being able to write, produce and deliver your own storyline ideas?
This is something that I never thought I would do in wrestling or be part off however the journey and the ride has been amazing. I continue to get excited with my learning of being a booker and development of New Blood and looking at how much further we can grow and where we can take New blood and the young talent in CPW. Of course it has not been easy and it has been difficult at time and there have been bumps in the road. This however, has made me stronger and allowed me to grow from learning from the mistakes but also overcoming these hurdles. I also love to get invested myself in the story lines and growth of the wrestlers and the roster as we continue to move forward and grow as booking team. Working with Dale has been an honour to work with and I am always grateful for his support and teamwork. Working with Dale has been fun and amazing. I am proud of what we have both achieved together,.
Q7 – You’re someone who has achieved what many haven’t CPW Immortality what would you say to those who are just starting out on their own quest to achieve that ultimate CPW status?
Why Thank you, I means a lot to of had the success that I have. My Advice to those starting out and early in the career here at CPW is to listen and absorb everything around you. At the same time I would state that is important to always work hard and give 100% in everything you do. At the same time remembering that it is always about the fans and to put the fans first. Make all your matches and everything you do about the CPW Galaxy. Also I feel that you will make mistakes and mess up this is fine, I always say and the best way to be is told hold your hands up, admit your faults learn from them this helps you to grow and also shows you care and wanting to be better and the best version of yourself. Finally you don’t want to have any regrets when it is all done, make sure you get out of it all you want to achieve and want to be able to look back and be proud of what you have done and what you have achieved and provided the CPW Galaxy.
Thank you Nathan it’s been fun, just tell the readers where they can see the next LIVE! CPW action:
We have Lock n Loaded on the 16th March as well as Adrenaline on the 30th March