Q.1 Welcome to 7 Questions PC Ace and congratulations on arguably your best victory in your career at History 11 defeating Will Starr, describe to our readers your feelings before and after that show stealing match.
First off, thank you for having me on here and to describe my feelings before the match I admit I was a bit nervous because I’ve never had the best record in my CPW career and I’ve never pinned Will Starr in a singles match, and this match was on the biggest stage in CPW, History 11 where Will has been nicknamed “Mr. History” due to the high profile matches he’s been apart of. After the match I was in shock, disbelief but happy to think I actually did it, I actually beat the CPW Hall Of Famer and arguably the best to ever do it in Will Starr. Also having my family there plus my nephews come to the ring after to celebrate, made the win much more satisfying than it already was.
Q2 – Your CPW career has not been all sunshine and roses how have you dealt with lows?
I admit in the past I’ve made some mistakes, some minor, some major that it affected me emotionally, but I’ve tried my very best to learn from them and to be better than I was before, joining the Police Force has made me realise that even more. I also want to help others who have the desire to start their CPW career and to make it a success that they don’t make the same mistakes that I did.
Q.3 – Tell us about how you got into wrestling as a fan and who has is your favourite wrestler of all-times?
I started watching wrestling when I was 4-5 years old and the first wrestler I ever saw on my TV screen was my favourite wrestler ever, The Rock. I just thought he was so cool and charismatic and I wanted to do what he did, but there were others as well that I enjoyed and inspired me like Stone Cold, Triple H, The Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero etc. and the fact I’m now doing what they did means the world to me.

Q4 – You are a Muslim which means you fast every year for Ramadan how have you been able to navigate that as wrestler?
As a Muslim, making the decision to carry on wrestling while fasting during Ramadan hasn’t always been easy especially when I need to train to get better in the ring and when I’ve got a match on the shows, so having talks with CPW Management prior to the shows to when I can start eating again so they can book my matches later on the shows, gives me time to digest my food has been helpful. It also means my opponent(s) don’t have any unfair advantage over me in the matches.
Q.5 – We asked earlier about your lows in wrestling but you have also had some huge highs what have been your own favourite CPW moments so far in your career?
There have been so many in my 5 years here, but if I had to tell you my personal favourites, it would go like this:
Winning the CPW World Heavyweight Title – My first ever championship in my CPW career, I always dreamed of winning a title and I got my moment at CPW: Reload 2019 in a 4-Way Match.

Giving Nana Bush a lap dance in the ring – If you know, you know haha.
My 3 CPW career defining matches in 2023 – 1st Match – Ladder match for the CPW Golden Ticket where I flipped off the top of a ladder onto my opponents.
2nd Match – Where I fought off Mr Joshua King to win the NextGen Wrestling Heavyweight Championship and my first singles title in nearly 4 years with fans chanting “You deserve it” felt nice.
3rd Match – The Purge Match, Bloody, bruised but I survived and walked out still the NextGen Champ against 5 really tough opponents. Also putting Danny Doc through an Ironing board felt good.
Beating Will Starr clean at History 11 – A very recent one but an important one, we went to war and it wasn’t easy to get the win over him but for him to offer to shake my hand after the match means I earned a little bit of respect from him and earned a lot more respect from my local police station and the CPW Galaxy as well.

Q6 – Who would be on your CPW Mount Rushmore and why?
My CPW Mount Rushmore would be:
Will Starr – Love him or hate him, there’s no denying his skills as a wrestler that has made him a really tough opponent for anyone who steps in the ring due to his technical prowess and high flying abilities. He’s held all the Heavyweight titles in CPW at the same time, main evented History more than anyone and has had some truly memorable matches over the years that people have called him probably the greatest to ever do it. His contributions as the head trainer of the CPW Academy is also worth noting and he has made better wrestlers out of CPW Stars like Morris, Protest, Emma Cross, Alpha among others.
Nathan Lewis – My first ever opponent, whether he’s FIFI, Cleo, Russell Hardwood or the GM, he always knows how to entertain the CPW Galaxy as I believe his ability to make any character work is unmatched and it also made him an unpredictable wrestler to go against in the ring. His contributions behind the scenes also can’t go unnoticed as he’s always helping out getting the shows up and running ready for the CPW Galaxy to be entertained, as well as being Executive Booker of New Blood Wrestling alongside Dale Richardson.
Tommbie – The Taker of Souls: Scary, intense, passionate; are all under statements to describe Tommbie, he always gives 110% in his matches and opponents feel that, literally. I know his work ethic has not only made him have scars around his head and body from all the intense and hardcore matches over the years, it’s made him a fan favourite in the CPW Galaxy’s eyes and his work also has transcended to the rest of the UK and beyond’s eyes as well and I hope he keeps striving for more.
Mr Richards/Dan Evans – This was a tough one as I didn’t want to exclude either of them.
1st. Dan Evans has made history numerous times in CPW, competed at the very first History, being the only CPW star to compete for the NWA Worlds Championship when he faced Nick Aldis, had a show named after him, had the longest reigning CPW Tag Team title reign in CPW history alongside Scott Oberman, that is yet to be broken. Also had a memorable trilogy of matches with Mr Richards and is the current CPW Lineal Heavyweight Champion
2nd. Mr Richards, he probably wouldn’t want his name in the CPW mount Rushmore but you can’t deny his contributions to his creation CPW as a whole, in and out of the ring. He’s mostly backstage these days but he’s no slouch around the ring as I’ve seen what he can do, he once wrestled Axel Bowen at History 2 when the ring was broken, he was the inaugural CPW Lineal Heavyweight Champion, broke his leg in a match and still kept on fighting. He came up with the idea of the CPW Superstar Project that has helped people from the project become CPW stars.
Q7 – Our final question….. What are your aspirations for Season 12?
Besides taking these bad boys downtown and locking them up as I usually do, I simply want to win gold as I’m currently ranked in the New Blood and CPW Galaxy Championship rankings but I wanna make other rankings as well. If I haven’t done it already after History 11 I would like to make the CPW Lineal list and go after the CPW Lineal Heavyweight Championship whether its held by Dan Evans or not.
We appreciate your time, thank you for taking CPW 7 Questions:
Thank you, Its been a pleasure and now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got bad guys to catch, bye.